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Land Called Paradise

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 8 years, 6 months ago

Without A Trace  - In Extremis
Premiere: November 21, 2002




Synopsis:  The team investigates the disappearance of Anwar Samir, a Saudi Arabian medical intern who became upset when his boss refused to write a letter of recommendation for him, and his girlfriend declined his marriage proposal. Anwar is a hardworking and well-respected doctor whose every move becomes subject to interpretation after he disappears. His desire to work at the Centers for Disease Control to study infectious diseases, his girlfriend's lack of knowledge about his career ambitions and even the books in his apartment suggest that he might have a hidden connection to terrorism. As Jack coordinates the investigation with the Joint Terrorist Task Force (JTTF), he discovers that samples of a virus are missing from a biotechnology company where Anwar once worked. Meanwhile, the team thinks that Martin who is convinced that Anwar is a terrorist may be more concerned with impressing the JTTF supervisor than with the truth.

The song at the end of this episode was "Not Dark Yet" by Bob Dylan.It can be found on "Time Out of Mind" (1977) and "The Essential Bob Dylan" (2000). Check out his web site bobdylan.com.






Dr. Samir is missing


Chemicals turn up missing from hospital


Speaking Arabic in the bar


Dr. Samir speaking with patient’s father


News Reporter at the accident scene


Review of Muslim Beliefs ;


How are Muslims Treated in America Us v Them







Kareem Salama: A Land Called Paradise



Racial ProfilingKareem Salama Interview



"We hate some persons because we do not know them; and will not know them because we hate them."
Charles Caleb Colton






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