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Status and Bling

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 8 years, 3 months ago



Social structure is the way in which society is organized into predictable relationships, patterns of social interaction (the way in which people respond to each other). These patterns etc, are to some extent independent of the particular individual, they exert a force which shapes behavior and identity.


Social mobility  the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between layers or tiers in an open system of social stratification. 





Reality Check 

How Much do People Earn?  (page #95)


Dental hygienist (Alliance, Ohio)


Professor of math education (Spokane, Washington)


Labor and delivery registered nurse (Tolono, Illinois)


Parole and probation senior agent (Bel Air, Maryland)


Principal accounts clerk (Edgewater Park, New Jersey)









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