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Modern Family

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 2 years, 9 months ago

Modern Family Process
We’re Redefining Family



The 1950s gave us Leave It to Beaver and other television shows that depicted loving, happy, “traditional” families living in the suburbs. The father worked outside the home, the mother stayed at home to take care of the kids and do housework, and their children were wholesome youngsters who rarely got into trouble and certainly did not use drugs or have sex.


Today we have ABC’s Modern Family, which features one traditional family (two heterosexual parents and their three children) and two nontraditional families (one with an older white man and a younger Latina woman and her child, and another with two gay men and their adopted child). Many other television shows today and in recent decades have featured divorced couples or individuals, domestic violence, and teenagers doing drugs or committing crime.


Modern Family, Modern Funny | Music Maven



Today's Modern Family comes in all shapes and sizes. Just ask these three families.

Jay recently married Gloria. Now Jay is trying hard to keep up with his much younger and hotter Colombian wife, along with her passionate pre-teen son, Manny. Claire is having a hard time raising her own family. Her husband Phil is great, except that he thinks he's "down" with their three kids, much to all their embarrassment. And, Mitchell and his enthusiastic partner Cameron have just made a major life change by adopting a Vietnamese baby named Lily.

Who doesn't think their family is the strangest one out there? So, when we heard executive producers Steve Levitan (Just Shoot Me) and Christopher Lloyd (Frasier) were taking on what it means to grow up or be a parent in this day and age, we knew we found a modern comedy we could relate to. 



Season # 1 Episode #6  “Run for Your Wife”   10.28.09


Phil and Luke go into the crawlspace under the house. Haley passes her driver's test on her third attempt. Manny tries to get over his fear of roller coasters. Lily says her first word - "Mommy" - which upsets Cameron and Mitchell.


1.  Is the cast of modern family an accurate reflection of today’s modern family?

2. As you know, the first exposure to the world comes within the family. Essential developments occur as a result close interaction with a small number of people:  thinking and speaking, internalizing norms and beliefs, formation of basic attitudes, capacity for intimate relationships, and acquiring self image. Select TWO of the family functions above and site an example from the episode.

2. As you know, the first exposure to the world comes within the family. Essential developments occur as a result close interaction with a small number of people:  thinking and speaking, internalizing norms and beliefs, formation of basic attitudes, capacity for intimate relationships, and acquiring self image. Select TWO of the family functions above and site an example from the episode.

Socialization component

Example from episode








 3.  How would you rate the parents in the video clip?  Where they functional or dysfunction? Explain


Jay , Gloria, and there passionate pre-teen son, Manny


Phil (cool guy Dad,) Claire, and their three kids



Mitchell, Cameron, their adoptive Vietnamese baby named Lily.



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