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Components of Social Structure and Organization

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 7 years, 3 months ago

Topic #6
Components of Social Structure
and Organization




GPS Collage 



Previously explored topics that connect to social structure and organization include:


Topic #4   Culture (broad framework; a shared reality: of language, norms and values.)

Topic #5   Socialization (the process whereby we learn to become competent members of a group



Topic #6   Components of Social Structure and Organization (Current Topic)


Topic #7  Sport and Society - Sport as a Vehicle for Social Change (Final Topic)


How is Society Organized ? 

McDonaldization of Society  - A Framework 



What is Social Structure?  (Notes on page #87)

Social structure is the way in which society is organized into predictable relationships, patterns of social interaction (the way in which people respond to each other). These patterns etc, are to some extent independent of the particular individual, they exert a force which shapes behavior and identity.


Social mobility  the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between layers or tiers in an open system of social stratification. 


There are micro aspects of social structure such as statuses and roles. Larger social structures include groups and institutions (e.g., government, education, religion) would be considered macro aspects of social structure.



Micro Analysis of Social Structure  
(Status and Roles)   


Macro Analysis of Social Structure 
(Groups and Institutions)





 All You Need is Cash



Nursery School University;  Poverty in AmericaNY Times: Class in America



Debutante Ball 1898 vs Prom Night 2008





Streebike Polo vs Country Club Polo 







Ascribed status is the status you are born with. They are positions assigned to individuals or groups based on traits beyond their control Achieved status is earned on the basis of merit. It is a position that is earned or chosen. It reflects personal skills, abilities and efforts

What is your ascribed status?  



What is your achieved status?  



Ascribed Chart.JPG






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